My main source of currency rates is Yahoo Finance. For currencies not listed there, my source is the United Nations Operational Rates of Exchange.

I take all mint postage in exchange. Generally, I offer trade credit of face value +25% for all current postage (full gum, no postage dues, no officials, current currency denomination) for quantities of 1-10 per stamp. For larger quantities, I offer the following rates:

1-10 copies of each stamp - Trade Value equal to face value +25%

10-50 copies of each stamp - Trade Value equal to face value +12.5%

50-100 copies of each stamp - Trade Value equal to face value

100 or more copies of each stamp - Trade Value equal to 87.5% of face value

For obsolete postage (e.g. G.B. pre-decimal, Europe pre-Euro), I generally offer Trade Value equal to face value for 1-10 copies of each. I use the United Nations Operational Rates of Exchange postings to convert old European currencies to the Euro equivalent.

Please note that mint postage is subject to current reductions  

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